AI Automatisation Big Data Business Intelligence Chatbots Data science Machine Learning (ML) Natural Language Generation (NLG) Transformation digitale
Women in Big Data Paris is a chapter of the global Women in Big Data initiative. Women in Big Data (WiBD) is an inclusive community of professionals and aspiring professionals who appreciate that big data is a tool being harnessed at every level, in every industry today, to shape tomorrow.We believe that female practitioners and leaders offer tremendous talent, ingenuity, and unique perspectives that will amplify the positive impact of big data on our future. To that end, our supportive community of women and allies are united in a common vision in which gender doesn’t limit participation and impact in big data-influenced careers.Women in Big Data started as a grass-roots organization in 2015 with the mission to grow tangible opportunities for women, unlock latent potential, act as a catalyst for advancement, and empower equity allies of any gender. Starting with 15 members and one chapter in San Francisco, the WiBD community grew to over 18,000+ members across 40+ chapters and six continents spreading inspiration, growing professional networks, and representing women’s success on an ever-expanding platform.The beauty of WiBD is the combination of global reach and local touch. Globally, we provide infrastructure, and we connect data professionals all over the globe. Locally, our chapter leaders curate events uniquely relevant to women in their region, and connect job seekers outside the urban center with opportunities.The combination of global infrastructure and grassroots-led chapter distinguishes WiBD from other women’s tech advocacy organizations. Our outreach brings in women who in the past had only heard of the option to work in data related fields to meaningful careers. We then follow them and provide support across their career lifecycle.


Solutions proposées
AI Automatisation Big Data Business Intelligence Chatbots Data science Machine Learning (ML) Natural Language Generation (NLG) Transformation digitale


L’intelligence artificielle peut-elle contribuer à un monde plus désirable ?

Atelier AI Big Data Business Intelligence IA générative Machine Learning (ML) Natural Language Processing (NLP)
26/09/2023 | 16:00 - 16:30 | Salle 4