Avatar method
AI Analyse de données Analytics Bases de données Big Data Cybersécurité Data Ethique Data Security Deep learning Expert AI Machine Learning (ML) Open Data Privacy Protection des données RGPD SI Souveraineté des données Sécurité Data EngineeringThe Avatar method is a unique personal data anonymization method. Avatar, successfully evaluated by the CNIL, guarantee confidentiality without compromising on data quality. They are synthetic data that allow sharing without revealing.
Thus, data sharing becomes easier, faster and more secure. The use cases are wide:
- Innovation (making data available to develop ML models)
- Valuation (data resale, sharing, open data...)
- Conservation (no holding period)
- Re-use (for secondary uses without the need for consent)
Commercialized since 2019 in the form of software and service, the Avatar method was encouraged by a fundraising of 1.5 million in 2021 and rewarded by the Prime Minister during the i-Nov 2022 competition with a with a new funding of 0.5 million €. After the law (CNIL), investors and the State, the scientific community validates our Avatar method in 2023, in the journal Nature Digital Medicine. Recognized for several years in the sensitive health sector (university hospitals, research institutes, Big Pharma, Medtech), Octopize is now accelerating its growth in the automotive, telecom, insurance and banking sectors.