Comment faciliter l’exploitation des données dans le Monde du Retail ?

Atelier Analyse de données Analytics Big Data Data intelligence Gestion des données Plateforme data

26/09/2023 | 10h30 - 11h00 | Salle 4


To succeed in the retail industry, it is imperative to take full advantage of the vast amount of data collected throughout the customer journey. This demo uses a real-world example from the retail industry to show how Actian's Avalanche cloud data platform enables companies to merge real-time and historical data for in-depth insights in real time. Learn how to quickly and easily perform shopping cart analysis on large data sets, and also how to detect fraud using real-time data. Don't miss this opportunity to learn how Avalanche can enhance your organization's data-driven decision-making capabilities!
o Discover real-time actionable insights for specific retail use cases.
o See how to merge real-time data with historical data for a deeper understanding of your retail business.
o Learn how to connect, manage, and analyze large amounts of data.
o Explore the performance and speed of customer data analytics

Cette session aura lieu exclusivement en présentiel au Palais des Congrès.


Vincent VINOT

Vincent VINOT

Principal Sales Engineer

Actian, A Division Of Hclsoftware
