

AI Analytics Assistant virtuel Automatisation Big Data Bots Chatbots Cloud Customer Data Platform Data Security Expert AI Expert Big Data IA IA Conversationnelle IA de confiance Natural Language Processing (NLP) Natural Language Understanding (NLU) RGPD Analyse de données

The SupWiz Chatbot eliminates waiting time and resolves queries fast because it understands your business and your customers.

Solve customer queries fast with increased service quality

Your customers expect fast and reliable support that is convenient and consistent. The SupWiz Chatbot helps your customers 24/7 in any language and is trained with your data to ensure accurate answers that are tailored to your specific business and support queries.

Automate tasks to the benefit of both customers and agents

With integrations, the SupWiz Chatbot solves your customers' problems without human interaction such as reset password and check account status. A win-win situation because your customers get quick solutions, and your agents can spend their time on more demanding tasks.

Streamline your support process by combining AI and human interaction

The SupWiz Chatbot initiates conversations, resolves enquiries and refers customers to relevant content in your knowledge base. If a human agent is needed, the Chatbot hands over the conversation to the right agent along with chat history and a suggested solution. Therefore, your customers need not repeat themselves.


    • SupWiz' Chatbot solution contains a variety of valuable analytics. Among other things, the analytics show:
        • How your Chatbot performs
        • How you can improve your Chatbot
        • What your customers chat about
        • How other areas of your business can be improved to create better service and support