SupChat (live chat)

SupChat (live chat)

AI Analytics Assistant virtuel Automatisation Big Data Bots Chatbots Cloud Customer Data Platform Data Security Expert AI Expert Big Data IA IA Conversationnelle IA de confiance Natural Language Processing (NLP) Natural Language Understanding (NLU) RGPD
  • SupWiz' Live Chat with AI Co-Pilot enables your agents to provide great and fast customer service.

    It contains an exclusive set of features you will not find elsewhere. These include:

        • AI-Co Pilot suggestions for responses
        • One Window: Integrations enabling agents to perform actions directly in chat conversations staying in one-window
        • Live translations of agent and customer messages
        • Deep insight into user-chats and analytics on agent-performance

      SupChat creates great live chat experiences in a variety of organizations. Explore some of the customer stories below. It is fast and easy to get started with SupChat. If you want to use a widget on your website, all you need to do is let us know what the widget should look like and then insert a code snippet on your website. SupChat has an out-of-the-box integration to SupWiz’ Chatbot solution. When you combine the two you can make seamless handovers from Chatbot to support agent, which streamlines customer service and support.