Voice Analyzer

Voice Analyzer

AI Analytics Assistant virtuel Automatisation Bases de données Big Data Bots Callbot Cloud Customer Data Platform Data Governance Expert AI Expert Big Data Gestion des données IA IA Conversationnelle Machine Learning (ML) Natural Language Processing (NLP) Natural Language Understanding (NLU) Plateforme data RGPD Saas Sécurité Transformation digitale Voicebot
    • Get in-depth insights into customer dialogues. Voice Analyzer automatically transcribes and categorizes calls providing valuable insights for happier customers.

      AI Automation:

      SupWiz Voice Analyzer aggregates call data from all sources, automatically transcribing and categorizing it according to the AI model trained to your organization's needs.

      No-Code skills required:

      SupWiz AI is no-code. It's built so that anyone in your team can easily implement, maintain and manage the Voice Analyzer.

      Uncover trends and meaningful insights:

      Combine traditional KPIs (performance, ratings, call duration) with actual call content (e.g. categories and topics) from your calls.

          • "What constitutes a good call?"
          • "Which topics result in bad ratings?"
          • "What is the tone of the conversation?"
          • "Do payment questions often lead to login questions?"

      Faster agent training:

      Educate new agents faster on relevant topics, quickly find calls about specific topics for focused training, and improve the quality and assurance of phone calls.

            • "Which agents take the longest pauses and does it impact ratings?"
            • Improve the performance of existing teams.

        Streamlined Integrations:

        Supwiz voice analyzer integrates with call center solutions and IT service management systems (e.g. Zendesk, Genesys, Puzzel, etc.) to smoothly become part of your support processes.