

AI Assistant virtuel Automatisation Big Data Bots Cloud Customer Data Platform Data Security Expert AI Machine Learning (ML) Natural Language Processing (NLP) Natural Language Understanding (NLU) Privacy RGPD SSII Saas
      • SupSearch - the AI tailored search engine. SupWiz search engine
        is customized to your company and your end-users to vastly improve search results and user experience.

        Do you have trouble finding the correct information in a search engine even though you've typed in the right words?

        Increased efficiency:

        When using SupWiz SupSearch internally, SupSearch makes it easier for your agents and employees to find answers to their questions at once, allowing them to dedicate more time to provide extraordinary service.

        Insights into searches and knowledge management

        SupWiz' SupSearch solution contains a variety of valuable analytics. Among other things, the analytics show:

            • What are your users searching for?
            • Are the results relevant for users?
            • How can you improve your knowledge base?
            • How other areas of your business can be improved to create better service and support

        Streamlined integrations

        SupWiz SupSearch integrates all your knowledge sources: FAQs, guides, websites, historical data or call center solutions, and ITSMs (e.g. Zendesk, Genesys, Puzzel, etc.) to gather relevant information.

        It then updates automatically to keep up with new knowledge, requiring no maintenance.

        Applicable anywhere

        SupSearch can be applied anywhere to enhance performance and user experience:

            • Chatbots
            • Livechats
            • Websites
            • ITSMs, and much more.

        Building an advanced SupSearch does not have to be an advanced process. With SupWiz, the process is as simple as 1-2-3:

            1. We train the underlying AI with your data to ensure the SupSearch understands your business from day one.
            2. We assist you in building and adjusting your SupSearch according to best practices.
            3. With a great foundation, you get a SupSearch with high performance from the start that is ready to impress.