Ticket Analyzer

Ticket Analyzer

AI Analytics Assistant virtuel Bases de données Big Data Bots Chatbots Cloud Customer Data Platform Data Security Expert AI Gestion des données Gouvernance IA IA Conversationnelle IA de confiance Machine Learning (ML) Natural Language Processing (NLP) Natural Language Understanding (NLU) RGPD Saas Transformation digitale
    • The Ticket Analyzer analyzes your historic data to effectively predict the intent in your incoming tickets and then automatically classify and route tickets. The Ticket Analyzer supports different organizations handling different types of tickets in different ITSM systems. The Ticket Analyzer is an advanced AI engine, but the process of getting started is simple:

          • We train the underlying AI on your data to tailor the Ticket Analyzer to your organization.
          • We integrate the Ticket Analyzer into your ITSM, and it can be configured in great detail to suit your needs.
          • Then your Ticket Analyzer starts to predict, classify and route tickets in the ITSM and it automatically becomes smarter the more you use it.

      The Ticket Analyzer is a compliant and secure enterprise solution. Among other things, it enables you to:

          • Manage access and permissions with different user roles
          • Use built-in or add custom anonymization of data
          • Manage and test AI models and override AI when needed