
AI Automatisation Big Data Bots Callbot Customer Data Platform IA Conversationnelle Natural Language Processing (NLP) Transformation digitale Assistant virtuel
Numéro de stand

SupWiz is an award-winning SaaS, delivering next-generation AI solutions to improve end-user service and support processes. Our omnichannel and modular solutions include chatbots, voicebots, emailbots, ticket classification & routing, real-time AI assistance for agents, knowledge search engine, and more.The solutions enhance existing support systems such as Zendesk, ServiceNow, TopDesk, Puzzel, among others, improving end-user and agent satisfaction and increasing efficiency. Thousands of agents across different industries use SupWiz's AI solutions, benefiting millions of end-users in multiple languages. Our customers include several large public institutions (e.g., Tax Authorities, Hospitals, and Governmental units) and private organizations in web hosting, logistics, media, and utilities, among others.

Solutions proposées
AI Automatisation Big Data Bots Callbot Customer Data Platform IA Conversationnelle Natural Language Processing (NLP) Transformation digitale Assistant virtuel


Create Better Service with AI!

Pitch Startup AI Applications Automatisation Big Data ChatGPT Chatbots Data Security Data intelligence Expert AI Expert Big Data Gouvernance IA IA Conversationnelle IA de confiance IA générative IA responsable It Solution Machine Learning (ML) Natural Language Generation (NLG) Natural Language Processing (NLP) Natural Language Understanding (NLU) Privacy Protection des données Prédiction RGPD Saas Sécurité Tableaux de bords Transformation digitale Voicebot
25/09/2023 | 10:30 - 11:00 | Scène 2